From Education Week: Young people today love being online. They are drawn to images—especially as they relate to their own interests. Plus, they have short attention spans.
Now there is a new, free app to help students discover careers that fit their personalities by reviewing photographs. And it just takes about two minutes. With Compass Lite, launched Feb. 11, users quickly click through a series of 84 images that ask: “Me or not me?” Among the pictures and phrases: Going camping? Hands on? Being competitive? Good with numbers? Public speaking?
With the information from the personality assessment, the app generates several career recommendations. Users can click on the options to learn more about the salary and job prospects. The app also lists top academic programs and businesses that employ graduates in those fields.
For more information… New App Matches Students’ Interests With Careers – College Bound – Education Week.
Filed under: News Tagged: 21st Century Skills, Applications, assessment, career development, education, Mobile, transition, Workforce Development, Youth