The Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment of People with Physical Disabilities will host a webcast: Self Determination: Past, Present, Future
“Over the years, self-determination and choice have become important aspects of vocational rehabilitation, supported employment and other disability support areas. This webcast will give a brief history of self-determination, then focus on self-determination’s important role in workplace support and employment issues. In looking towards the future, strategies will be given to determine personal preferences to support career decision making, goal setting, work-place problem solving, self-advocacy and leadership.”
Michael Wehmeyer, PhD, Michael Ward, PhD
Date: 6/26/2014, 2:00pm Eastern
Register Online (Indviduals with disabilities receive access to this webcast at no charge.)
Filed under: Events Tagged: career development, Disabilitites, Distance_Learning, employment, professional development, Self-Determination, Workforce Development